From Nothing to the Richest Man, Bill Gates


Bill Gates was born in Seattle on October 28, 1955, to a family with extensive experience in business, politics and community services. His grandfather was a state councilor and mayor, his grandfather was the deputy governor of the National Bank, and his father was a lawyer.

Belle believes he's working hard. Also, he think if you are wise and you know how to use intelligence, you will be able to achieve your goals. Since its inception, Bill is competitive and intelligent. These features helped him to have a good place in the profession he chose the bill, and his colleagues and teachers believe that he is the smartest man on campus. I decided to enroll in a private school known from my Treble school environment. This is the most important decision in Bill Port account, which was first introduced to computers. Bill Gates and his friends were very interested in computers and built a  "group of programmers " At the end of 1968. This group has found a new way to use computer skills at the University of Washington. The following year he was elected as a programmer and became the first in the information society to get it. Information Science Co., LTD. Has agreed to provide royalties when receiving funds from a group program. As a result of business transactions in IT companies, the group became a statutory company.

           Bill Gates and his closest friend have started a new company with their TRAF data. They had a small computer to measure traffic jams. This project costs about 20,000 USD. The meeting ended when Gates left college. When Lakeside accounts were completed in 1973 at Harvard University, one of the best universities in the country did not know what to do, so he wrote his name before the law. He attended typical courses in study, with the exception of the sign in one of Harvard's most difficult mathematics. He was good there, but he wasn't interested. He had spent many hours before the computer, and the next day he slept in class. After school, he was almost out of the computer world. His doors and his friends, Paul Allen, remained close to contact, even though they had not learned at all. They often discuss new ideas for future projects and the opportunity to start their business in a small day. At the end of Bill's first year, everyone came to him to follow some of his ideas. They got a job at Hanewell's this summer. Everyone will continue to push the bill to open a new software company. 

           In less than a year, Bill Gates went to Harvard. Then Microsoft built it. Microsoft Vision is a Microsoft desktop computer and computer software.  "" The bill works very hard to reach the visionary and vision. The belief in intelligence and hard work made it where it is now. He does not believe in simple bliss or mercy of God, but only hard work and competition. Microsoft Bill continues to place competition (challenge) on the pedals up to an honest competition and death for different package corporations. He wanted to play the risk game and played the rule of the world. His convictions were so strong that he helped him increase wealth and monopoly in the industry.

           Bill Gates is not really an avid man, he gives someone just when it comes to computers, the Internet and all kinds of funding. A few years ago, he visited Einstein Elementary School in Chicago and announced a scholarship to Chicago schools and museums, where he donated a total of 110,000 dollars, a set of computers, and was given Internet access for the number of schools. Second, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars to build a computer institute at Stanford University.

"As the definition of his name is Bill Gates, which means that the door of the currency...  "

17 Success Lessons from Bill Gates

  1. Start as soon as possible.
  2. Cooperation with.
  3. You're not going to make $60,000 a year straight from high school.
  4. Be your boss as soon as possible.
  5. Do not make mistakes, and learn from them.
  6. Be honest and sentimental.
  7. Life is the best school, not university or college.
  8. Be nice to nerds.
  9. TV is not real life.
  10. Life is unfair, you use it.
  11. Be prepared to take the risk.
  12. Do not move too fast to succeed.
  13. Be proud of yourselves.
  14. Be humble at all times.
  15. Do things positively and with love to learn.
  16. Accept mistakes and move on.
  17. Share your success with others.



Akio Morita, Success from Failure

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